Elastic Webbing

Elastic Webbing

Elastic Webbing Elastic Webbing 55100
Elastic Webbing
Product Code : nocode
Elastic Webbing is used in the furniture industry. Elastic Webbing related varieties are listed below.

Elastic Column 3 Line Dual Tire
Elastic Column 3 Line Ext. 7 Cm Gipel Dual Tire
Line 3 4 5 cm Elastic Webbing Rubber Gipel

Please specify when ordering your product range.

Elastic Column 3 Line Dual Tire 

Elastic Column 3 Line Ext. 7 Cm Gipel Dual Tire 

Line 3 4 5 cm Elastic Webbing Rubber Gipel

Elastic Webbing is used in the furniture industry.
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